Saved by Zero

Wednesday, April 1
There will be nothing related to April Fools in today’s post. I’m not a big fan in the best of times. But it’s just more than I can deal with this year. No judgement. Just where I am.
Today marks 21 days in captivity, errrr, quarantine. We returned from NYC three weeks ago yesterday. We’ve been confined to two rooms for all that time, with the exception of a trip for testing, a trip to the emergency department, and for my birthday dinner.
And it now appears, friends, as if this part of our adventure may be drawing to a close.
Because today is the first day my wife reports being symptom-free.
Which means today is Day 0.
Which means that, if she continues to be symptom-free (she also reports feeling a lot better today), we will be able to leave our space on Sunday, April 5. Note that we still need to negotiate how we’re going to interact with the family. But we have a few days to work that out.
Which means I’m in a pretty good mood right about now. I seem to recall something about it always being darkest before the dawn…
In any event, enjoy your musical interlude for today!