A Socially Distant Graduation & Birthday

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve engaged with my sons Ethan and Brian in a series of discussions about the NFL Draft here in my blog. Today I focus on them as individuals, and engage in some shameless promotion.
Back in B.C. (Before Coronavirus), we were scheduled to be in Boulder, Colorado today for my son Brian’s commencement from the University of Colorado. Last year he received his BA in Business at a ceremony attended by his mom. This year was my turn to attend as he received his second degree in Environmental Studies. Unfortunately, that’s how things are…
Of course, Brian’s semester has been a shambles, with classes cancelled and everything going online. Brian came back to stay with his mom for most of time until returning for finals and to pack things up. He’s remarked how strange it is. No last day of class, not really. No sense of closure or finality. Commencement will be people-less and streamed. He’ll drive home next week. And that will be that.
I am so glad Lisa and I got to Boulder back in February. That visit makes this blow easier. We will have a full celebration when the time is right and we are all able to be together, since he plans to come back to the Bay Area to get a job. By the way, if you’re looking for a hard worker with a combined business and environmental perspective in the greater bay area, here’s Brian’s LinkedIn page (pre-graduation version).
In the meantime, today, I salute a significant life achievement and job well done by my youngest son and newest graduate, Brian Sanford Hausser.
Three cheers for Brian!

In the planning leading up to our intended trip, we felt so fortunate about how the calendar fell because it meant we could have a rare double celebration today. That’s because today is also my oldest son Ethan’s 26th birthday! Alas, it was not to be.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t salute Ethan as well today. Oh no. Especially because he recently took the tremendously brave step to leave his job and set out on his own as a graphic designer and writer. Ethan had learned everything there was to learn at his previous job with Creative Artists (CAA). Most importantly, he realized he had to follow his creative muse. He’s a very talented designer and writer.
Of course, in retrospect, he MIGHT have picked a better time than March 1, 2020 to leave his job…
But, honestly? He hasn’t looked back. He’s committed and philosophical about the situation. He’s already picked up some design gigs and established a writing schedule. And I haven’t seen him this happy in several years. Check out Ethan’s website at Hausser Creative.
So, on the day of his birth, one of the happiest days of my life, I salute my boy Ethan Amdur Hausser.
Happy Birthday Ethan!

My birthday was in March, as was nephew Josh’s. Brian’s was in April, as well as Lisa’s and my anniversary. We had friends cancel their wedding reception. These are the milestones of our lives. Celebrating them through ritual and coming together is an essential part of life. How different this year is. Perhaps when it’s over, we’ll redouble our efforts not to miss these precious moments in our lives and the lives of those we love.
In the meantime, we celebrate from afar, letting the people who need to hear it know how much we care.
I conclude with the traditional Jewish blessing over the children.
To my sons:
May G0d bless you and keep you
May G0d’s face shine graciously upon you
May G0d pay attention to you, and give you peace.