Just Tell Me How to Count

Sunday, March 22
Ok, I probably should explain the numbering system here. 14 days is the magic number. Studies say symptoms appear between five and fourteen days. We were told the clock restarts the day of diagnosis. Today (Sunday) was Day 11 in quarantine. It is Day 2 post-diagnosis, corresponding to the day in each day’s Chronicle. With me so far?
I was exposed within hours of my wife being exposed. Being conservative, the latest I was exposed is when we went into quarantine. That’s important. Because as of Day 14 (this Wednesday) — assuming I remain asymptomatic — I’m officially out of the risk period. And, according to the Santa Cruz County Health official who talked with my wife, we can kiss again!
To be extra safe, I’m staying in quarantine with her until she’s all clear. The Stanford nurse told my wife that if her symptoms are gone by March 31st (she’s well on her way) and my status doesn’t change, we’re released. That’s 14 days from the date of the TEST, not the DIAGNOSIS as we were previously told. Maybe that’s because we were already quarantined for almost a week before she was tested. But I’m not betting the house we’ll actually be released that day. We’ll see! (originally published on Facebook 3/21)